Fourth Attack
Training in fourth attack allows the character a chance at an 
additional strike in a combat, and increases the chance of a third 
attack as well.  Perfect fourth attack does NOT assure four attacks 
per round.

Classes and levels for fourth attack:
cleric      : 101 thief       : 90  warrior     : 65  
ranger      : 75  druid       : 95  zealot      : 75  
augurer     : 100 knifer      : 45  acolyte     : 80  
bishop      : 86  blade       : 75  knight      : 50  
guardian    : 65  elder       : 75  sensei      : 40  
ninja       : 60  morpheous   : 96  paladin     : 55  
dreadlord   : 65  alchemist   : 80  wardancer   : 35  
lich        : 68
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