
Since the beginning of time there has existed a base struggle between the forces of good and the forces of evil. Until now.

Long ago, the land was dominated by two major immortal forces, one, the champion of good (whose name has been lost in the ages), and the Devil, champion of evil. Within their immortal hordes were angels, demons and
all other forms of magical beings. Eternally they warred, never winning, never losing. Little did they realize that their true power lied in their mortal followers. Neither of the two paid any attention to the mortal plane..allowing it to fall to chaos. This only increased the power of the Devil, for as the land became more chaotic in nature, the true evil of man's heart became known. By the time the champion of good had noticed this, it was too late. His power had dwindled too much and there was little left he could do. Evil had won out and the Devil ruled the realms, both immortal and mortal.

What followed can only be termed as hell. The Devil turned the world into a torturous experience for mankind, forcing the masses to work and slave their lives away. Whisperings of rebellion were heard throughout the mortal realm. Gradually
these whisperings grew into a roar. The people of the realm were not looking to fight for good, but to fight against evil. It was rumored that the Devil had lost his immortality during the great battle with his nemesis. It was the truth of this rumor that a group of powerful wizards were staking their lives on. These wizards had been born and raised in magical seclusion. No one knows their exact origins, only that they existed. This group of wizards, known simply as the Seven, fought their way into the Devil's immense castle and there engaged a magnificent battle. They gathered their collective energy and cast a suicide spell on the Devil, sending him and six of their members into oblivion.

This magical cataclysm tore the world asunder, shattering any concept of time or space. Everything was shifted and torn from their rightful places. The world left from this is a nexus, combining places and people from times and worlds beyond. Into this realm stepped the only one of the ancient Seven to survive the grand battle with the Devil, Lady Alecca. She vowed to try and restore what order they could in this new realm. She assumed the role of the gods and forged into this world left by the Devil's Silence.

Devil's Silence was started in 1997 and has continued to grow since then. The first immortals were Alecca and Silence. The mud quickly grew when Silence left and was replaced by Darhoth and Elsbeth who were with DS for several years. Other immortal staff over the years have added to DS and created its rich legacy.

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